Sunday, January 08, 2006

Bush vs. Saddam addendum

Actually, considering how bad things are over there right now, the fact that Bush is only killing people at twice the rate of Saddam does a lot to show how bad Saddam really was, and that is certainly some justification for trying to clean things up over there, even if we have been fairly incompetent in carrying through with that. However, I think there are a lot of other places in the world that are just as bad as Iraq was, N. Korea and Uganda just to name a few, so I still think the main reason we invaded Iraq was for oil, not for humanitarian reasons. Also, I think it's partly due to incompetence that we've messed things up so much over in Iraq, it's also due to neglect (concentrating on getting the oil wells and refineries operational rather than on security and services, and on installing a government that is favorable to the U.S. rather than one favored by the Iraqi people).


Blogger cavalry.joe said...

We didn't mess things up over there. The terrorist are doing everything possible to prevent us from succeeding. If they didn't keep blowing up stuff things would progress nicely.

As far as us installing a government that is favorable to the U.S.... What are you talking about? The Iraqi people are voting for their government officials. We are not installing anyone. And, I may add, their elections have been remarkably successful.


8:42 AM  
Blogger cavalry.joe said...

Hamas' victory will hopefully spur other Islamist groups in the region to seek more political participation. Maybe as Islamist gain more political power they wont feel so helpless, desperate, and disenfranchised. Maybe they will begin to renounce terorrism in favor of the political process.

But, if not, the world should still recognize Hamas. After all, the Palestinian people elected them fair and square. Then, any terorrist attack sponsored by Hamas can be addressed as any country addresses any other country that resorts to violence; WAR! If they attack, we simply inform them that that is unacceptable and that we consider that an act of war and that it will not be tolerated and then we promptly implement a regime change ;)


12:27 PM  

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