Supreme Court decision regarding religious gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic
I read this article recently regarding the Supreme Court's decision that banning religious congregations violated the separation of church and state:
One of the arguments was that a ban on religious gatherings, but not on liquor stores, constituted discrimination against religious gatherings. Not mentioned, but I think equally relevant, is that God would never let you catch covid-19 at a church service. Cataclysms like this are always the result of people turning away from God, as is well documented in the biblical stories of the great flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra. The fact that the pandemic started in a heathen country like China makes perfect sense in this context. Therefore, it would make no sense if God were allow good Christian people to catch the disease while performing their religious obligations.
Of course, this would only be true of the "One True Church". Those worshipping in false churches would probably be even more likely to catch the disease.
In fact, I think we have a rare opportunity here to prove which church is, in fact, the "One True Church". We should let all churches, synagogues, mosques, etc. hold their services as they normally do, and let their members attend, as they usually would, and then collect the data on which churches have the least amount of new covid-19 cases. No fair wearing masks or maintaining social distancing at these events though. We must let God do his work.
I believe that God, in his mercy, would spare not only the members of the "One True Church", but also the members of other churches whose doctrines are "close enough". The closer a church's doctrine is to the "One True Church", the more it's members will be spared. In fact, it may well be that no church existing today has the truth exactly right. It may well be that all churches are a little off the "One True Doctrine" by varying degrees, and that their members will spared or afflicted proportionally. In this case, we should be able to compare the data from each church, and factor in the differences in their doctrines, and extrapolate out to find the real "One True Doctrine" that God, in his mercy, wants us all to follow.
And what the heck, we should factor in the data from liquor stores as well. Who knows, maybe liquor stores are the "One True Religion" after all.
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