Monday, May 22, 2006

Images of Mohammad

Okay, I guess I'm in a blogging mood tonight. The issues of the images of Mohammad in the cartoons (was it in Sweden, I forget) is a little bit old, but I was too busy with work to comment on it, so I'm commenting now.

I read someplace that Mohammad didn't want any images of himself made because he was afraid people would worship the images instead of what was really important, the truth that he was trying to teach them. He was afraid wars would be fought because someone desecrated an image of him, and he didn't think that was a good reason for people to die.

So now, instead of worshipping images of Mohammad, Muslims are worshipping a lack of images, and they're willing to fight a jihad over it (some of them are anyway). Somehow, I don't think that's what Mohammad had in mind.


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