Monday, November 01, 2004

On a Lighter Note: The Smell of Poop

Several years ago I was walking behind this elderly oriental couple at the supermarket when I suddenly detected this rich aroma of soy sauce. It was a delicious smell that I assumed emanated from the pores of this couple because of all of the Chinese food that they ate. I felt blessed that I could experience a different culture is such a sensory fashion. It was only sometime later that I realized that one of them had probably farted, and the soy sauce aroma had probably come from that.

Anyway, time passed, and this lesson from life bounced around in the back of my head and never quite settled permanently. Did I really, secretly, like the smell of poop? Is there something intrinsically unpleasant about the smell of poop, or is this unpleasantness something that we learn?

Today, as I was walking between buildings today at work, I detected a particularly strong, yet definitely pleasant, odor that reminded me of pancakes with maple syrup, and that started me thinking again. Suddenly it occurred to me that, of all the smells that we can smell, the smell of poop is one of the strongest. I'd never thought of it that way before. The strength of that smell can only have come about one way. Somehow, we must have evolved to become particularly sensitive to that smell. Somehow, being able to readily detect the smell of poop increased our chance for survival.

This takes us back to our original question, is our dislike of the smell of poop inherited, or learned? This is important because if it is inherited, then it probably evolved as a warning to keep us away from poop. This could be because poop can carry disease, as incentive to keep poop out of our living areas, or because the smell of unexpected poop might be a signal that pottentially dangerous strangers could be about.

On the other hand, if our distate for the smell of poop is learned, then it's quite possible that our ancestors actually liked the smell of poop. Dogs really like the smell of poop, especially that of potential prey animals. My dog used to go crazy when she smelled some particularly intoxicating pile of something, and she used to love to roll in it. I think I heard it explained once that dogs did this to disguise their smell to their prey.

I don't have the answer to this one, but I can't escape the memory of that oriental couple's smell, and when I really think about it honestly, it's not really the smell that bothers me so much as what I know it means.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, sorry LeRoy but I honestly couldn’t stop laughing at your unforgettable moment. Ahh guess everyone learns a lesson if they had experienced such a thing lol. I also read somewhere that many people who drink ‘milk’ tend to fart more often because of the lactose there is in it *sighs*. Wouldn’t know if that actually happens. Never believe in those damn magazines, some are a bunch of crap just to make us readers somehow interested with such information lol.

I don’t see how you could compare a man like Bush who looks ‘innocent and close to being illiterate’ to be much like Hitler. Hitler is very much like Saddam. However, Hitler only hated Jews unlike Saddam, where he would torture ‘anyone’ who would go against him, even if it were a Sunni Muslim. He had the ability to torture the Kurds, Christians, Jews and Shiite Muslims more often than any other cultural people in Iraq, since they happened to be the majority who ‘opposed’ the government directly and indirectly. Plus the fact that Saddam considered himself as a Sunni Muslim and he had his ways torturing the ‘non-believers’. You know, I borrowed this book from a friend called “Mayada; daughter of Iraq’ (happens to be a very famous biography at the moment) and that story is about this Iraqi woman who was accused of having a business 'printing off pamphlets against Saddam’s government.' Of course they didn't listen to her and eventually she was thrown into one of the torture rooms at ‘Baladiyat’ where they wanted her to confess she’s been doing such a thing though she never had. She also had made no differences between religious groups, especially between the Shiites and Sunnis, and that was part of the reasons they tortured her in many ways. Those ba’athis would get their hands on anyone who did or said something unacceptable under their “ba’athi laws.” That’s all I read for now, I don’t think I’ll continue reading it until I get my exams out of the way. But a very interesting story it is, worth a read by everyone.

2:55 AM  
Blogger cavalry.joe said...

What if one of them sharted? To "shart" is when you think it's just a fart but a little sh*t actually comes out.


2:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baghdad wrote: "I don’t see how you could compare a man like Bush who looks ‘innocent and close to being illiterate’ to be much like Hitler."

I appreciate that someone realizes how ridiculous it is to compare Hitler and Bush but how do you "look[s]...close to being illiterate"? These are sound bytes that are repeated over and over until someone believes them at face value just like those silly "forward this to a friend" spam emails we all get.

The reality is:

* Bush graduated from Yale University with a bachelor's degree in history.

* After graduating from Yale, he served as an F-102 pilot until 1973 and was twice promoted during his service, first to second lieutenant and then to first lieutenant. In November 1970, Lt. Col. Jerry B. Killian, the commander of the Texas Air National Guard, recommended that Bush be promoted to first Lieutenant, calling him "a dynamic outstanding young officer" who stood out as "a top notch fighter interceptor pilot." He said that "Lt. Bush's skills far exceed his contemporaries," and that "he is a natural leader whom his contemporaries look to for leadership. Lt. Bush is also a good follower with outstanding disciplinary traits and an impeccable military bearing."

* Bush entered Harvard Business School in 1973. He was awarded a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in 1975, making him the first U.S. president to hold an MBA degree.

Now, admittedly, I don't know what "looking illiterate" means, but I do know that one cannot achieve these accomplishments, not to mention the fact that he has been elected twice now as president of the most powerful country on Earth, if one is 'illiterate'.

11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I meant to say anonymous, is that Bush looks and is innocent in terms of what he has done as President, in comparison to Hitler’s actions.

I know the fact that Bush can read and write of course because he possibly couldn’t have ended up being a president twice so far. I was being sarcastic about the whole phrase but that’s how I think of it I guess. I suppose I was somehow teasing him as well since Bush has had moments where he created words that aren’t even in the dictionary, YET!
The US president must be an English word discoverer too then!

5:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, Baghdad, just a sanity check ... I'm glad to see you're a reasonable thinker ;)

11:38 AM  

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