Sunday, July 16, 2006

All that's needed for evil to succeed...

I've been hearing a quote a lot recently:
All that's needed for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

This sounds great at first glance, but the problem is that pretty much everybody thinks that they're on the good side. Osama bin Laden thinks that he's on the side of good against a great evil that's rising in the west. Hitler thought that he was on the side of good by unleashing the genetically superior german race and allowing it to rightfully supplant the rest of humanity. Rush Limbaugh thinks that he's on the side of good against a bunch of yellow liberals trying to weaken this great Nation. On a practical side, how do you know if you're on the side of right? As far as I'm concerned, this quote is just a shallow attempt to justify vigilanteism. As far as I'm concerned, "good men" doing something is pretty much the root of all evil in this world.


Blogger cavalry.joe said...

Here's a quote I heard recently:

"For liberals there is no end to their rights and no beginning to their responsibilities."

6:21 AM  
Blogger cavalry.joe said...

What "All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing." means to me is, stand up for what you believe in. Otherwise, some one who believes differently than you will try to force his views on you.

Currently, radical islamist are trying to force their view on the world. They kill anyone that disagrees with their view. If we do nothing, they win.

A group of people (who shall remain unlabled) think that we are forcing our view on the world(especially, on the radical islamists) and that they are standing up for what they believe in by killing us. The problem with this "theory" is that:

1. "forcing our views on the world" is a little too strong of a statement. For one thing, we don't kill innocent people in order to force our views on them. Instead, we export our ideas (freedom, tolerance, women's rights, etc.). Once people get a taste of our exports, they like it. This undermines everything that radical islamists hold dear.

2. If radical islamists feel threatened by our ideas, they should battle us purely on ideology. This country allows them to come here, hold rallies, teach their point of view, advertise, etc. Let them present their case on the American media (world forum). Let them explain to us why it is that we should convert to Islam and reject our values.

Once they start killing us, we have to defend ourselves. We can't just stand by and do nothing.

6:47 AM  
Blogger cavalry.joe said...

I followed two of your links:

The second blog talked about how leaflets were handed out telling women to cover their face and men to not wear shorts or they would be killed.

I don't live there so I don't understand why the people don't stand up to these thugs. But I believe that those thugs succeed in killing innocent people because the innocent people do nothing.

The first blog talked about the tragedy in Qana Lebanon where 34 children were killed after an Israeli attack. She's upset at Israel. She's not upset at the cowardly Hizbulah but starting the whole thing. Maybe Israel should have done nothing to stop Hizbulah from firing rockets into Israeli cities. Maybe we would have seen Israeli children being pulled out from the ruble. Maybe this would please her. Maybe she would have denounced Hizbulah (instead of Israel) in her blog if this was the case; if the tables were turned. I don't know.

8:36 AM  
Blogger elwyn said...

"All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing." When you look at the two sides here you may find that the evil is willing to do whatever it takes to do whatever they want, while the good may not have that strength of will. For example Hitler had the brown shirts and the SS who would do anything to accomplish the Nazi agenda, while good people of Germany where mostly single individuals without the wherewithal to combat the agenda.

3:19 PM  

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